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Jessica Rose Couture
These sheer shades help to soften the light coming into your kitchen while at the same time protecting your privacy. Many of them are constructed using two layers of a sheer fabric with a rigid vane or complementary opaque fabric between them.
We have manufacturers who can provide motorized mounts for your shades that either have a remote or an app on your smartphone. Imagine how easy it would be to change the angle of the vane or opaque fabric, or even raise and lower the shade without having to cross the room. This makes these shades a great choice.
While their construction and operation vary faux wood blinds, and faux wood shutters are perfect close to food prep areas since they’re durable and easy to clean. The blinds will be constructed and manipulated with cords while the shutters will have a central control arm. You will only need to wipe them down with soap and water when food splashes onto them.
Your guests won’t recognize that these aren’t painted wood and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing they’ll last for years without degrading from exposure to steam and heat. Whether you choose faux wood blinds or faux wood shutters you are sure to enjoy their beauty and ease of care for a long time.
12170 Tejon Street #300
Westminster, CO 80234
(720) 729-0091